At TechBrain, we have one simple goal: to solve complex problems through unorthodox uses of cutting-edge technology. To achieve this goal, we're hiring remotely across North America. Join us in our journey to shape the future through technology.

Our Benefits

  • Unlimited vacation days with 3 weeks minimum.

    3 weeks minimum vacation

  • Fully paid time off for parents to spend quality time with family.

    Paid parental leave

  • We trust you to spend company dollars as you would your own with your company card.

    Corporate credit cards

  • Unlimited vacation days with 3 weeks minimum.

    3 weeks minimum vacation

  • Fully paid time off for parents to spend quality time with family.

    Paid parental leave

  • We trust you to spend company dollars as you would your own with your company card.

    Corporate credit cards

Paid parental leave

Corporate credit cards

3 weeks minimum vacation

Current Openings

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